This is a very exciting time for our university. As I have said many times before, this will be one of the most important strategic plans in our history, as it is the strategic plan that shapes us as the newest university in the state of Utah. I need your help and we need your ideas and feedback. We will be creating a strategic planning committee that will assist the consultant with drafting the strategic plan for all of our review. This committee will be a working committee in that the strategic consultant will give assignments and homework to help create the plan. Dr. Welty has asked that this committee be small (8-14 people) and functional. I am working with the university leaders (Senate, Staff Councils, Vice-Presidents) to identify those that should serve on this committee. Again, the purpose of this committee will be to help craft the plan that “we” create. Everyone on this campus needs to be involved. I hope that you will let your voice be heard and that you will participate in the many activities that will shape our new plan.
As for next steps I would like to briefly summarize the process. There are eight (8) steps to this process that will be completed by July 1, 2015. The steps are as follows:
- Prepare
- Host Town Hall Meetings
- Conduct Research
- Reaffirm/Refine Core Values, Vision, Mission and Formulate Strategic Position, Goals
- Develop the Desired Outcomes
- Formulate Strategies
- Develop the Implementation Plan
- Review/Complete the Strategic Plan
Within each step there are several activities that will take place. As the process matures I will send out further details of each step. The first step will begin on November 19-21, 2014 when Dr. Welty will be on our campus to meet with me and my cabinet to learn about our university. He will also meet with the Board of Trustees on the 21st since they will be meeting at that time. The second step will begin in early December with the first all-campus Town Hall meeting occurring on December 4, 2015. The time and location of this meeting will be finalized and sent to you in the next few days. It is our hope that as many of you will participate as possible. If you can’t make it for the first meeting there will be other opportunities to participate.